Shalom, beloved, In the beginning I want to give thanks to all of you, who prayed for worship camp “Breakthrough”. I believe, that because of your prayers this camp was such amazing. I believe, that such a special memories for all 30 camp members would be saved in their hearts for all their lives. Personally for me “Breakthrough” was more than I expected, and Gods presence was such a strong. I was willing that this never ends. Even when I came back home for few days I felt the same supernatural presence of God, and that was like invisible robe covering me from head to toe. God is God and He knows better what we need. Even collecting such a different people from 7 Lithuanian cities, and more than 10 communities, Lord had plan for all camp, and for everyone personally. I’m rejoicing that it not was any control, and Gods love with every moment was growing. Probably because of that was can flow so freely in leading of the Holy Spirit. Many of us was hungry for such kind of worship, when no one does not press the brakes, and all together we can drive in the highway of the Holy Spirit in our hearts worshiping King of Kings and Lord of Lords. From the very beginning of the camp we lost timing on our program, but in our hearts we felt that everything is ok. Maybe because we had precondition not connect our hearts to schedule, but strongly connect our hearts to the Lord. And if in program we had 1 hour for worship, and after that we had planned to start seminar, but Spirit of God was leading to worship for 90 minutes, we forget about the program and we was going forward into the places where Lord was leading us. Interesting, but that was felt like we was going deeper and deeper in to the water. Something similar is written in the book of Ezekiel chapter 47. Even one brother, who came little bit later and joined us in to the place where we was worshiping, later on testified that he experience something like get into the pool. And I can tell you, it was so amazing to swim in the ocean of the Holy Spirit, be refreshed and encouraged by the Lord Himself, who gathered us in amazing Lithuanian village, surrounded by the beautiful nature, with only one reason – to reveal Himself personally. I understand, that it’s impossible to share the mood of the camp, but I would like to share few videos from the camp produced by our video maker Debora.
Lectures Truly camp was very spontaneous, but as we planned we touched some important topics. I shared my insights about Lithuanian spiritual identity, Christian music management and publishing, and worship 24/7. Justas was sharing what he received in Bethel School of Supernatural and about simplicity how to move in prophetic gift. In the camp we had not only musicians, but also worshippers who painting beautiful pictures, so Rasa Biliuvienė shared about prophetic painting, and I thing that she encouraged many of us to do something what we was willing to do, but because of some reasons we stop doing that. Drum teacher Kestutis Didvalis shared his experience, and all camp was crowned by the song writing seminar. Many of camp members realised that to write the songs is simple, and those who never wrote the songs had personal breakthrough in this area. Lessons from the Holy Spirit Evening before the camp I was printing some material for camp members, and when I was printing I saw that ink is going to the end. I know that in the camp I need to print something, so I booked to change old cartridge to new one. Those who had printers, you know that then ink is going to the end, if you bringing out cartridge and shaking, you can print again. So, I decided to print out my cartridge, and start printing with big letters Bible verses. In the process of shaking cartridge I printed about 10 pages, and I understand that these Bible verses we need to use in songs writing seminar. So, I start searching for me Bible verses, and ink was not ending. So, finished printing process at 2:00 am, and from “the going to the end” cartridge printed about 50 pages with big font scriptures. And Holy Spirit used that Scriptures in amazing way – people spontaneously singing when they saw page with the words, and new songs start coming. Later we made 3 teams, and every member pulled out 1 page with Bible verse. Then all teams working in the groups and in 45 minutes from those words that had team members they need to create new songs. Of cause it not was enough time, but what created camp members, you can see in these 3 video’s:
Financial part This camp was 1st project of non-governmental organisation “Prabudimo orkestras” (eng. “Revival Orchestra”) and praise God this project was financially successful. Even participation of 9 people was fully or partly covered, after the camp in bank account we had 18 euros, so thank you so much to all of you, who supported this initiative and blessed those people, who don’t had enough finances to come. Future plans God is great and He connecting hearts of His children that we can serve to Him. In the camp we touched many dreams, but for everything is Gods timing. Even today it looks far future, but such a big dream for many Lithuanian believers is to start worship 24/7 and open Christian arts & prayer centre. I know what we need to be faithful in small, so I believe when God open doors we will start 3-5 hours daily worship, and one day it will grow to 24/7. One of biggest my dreams we working now – worship event in professional record studio. This is innovation in Lithuania, and we believe, that in that kind of events it’s possible to have breakthrough and to have quality anointed records, what we really need in Lithuania. Thank you so much for your friendship and support. With love of Christ, Tadas Daujotas Director of Revival Orchestra Ministries
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